Welcome to the Ysgol Calon Cymru webpage dedicated to Additional Learning Needs (ALN). On this webpage you will find information, resources and an introduction to our ALN staff members on both campuses. Click on the headings below to go straight to the section you need.
ALN Policy | Meet the Team | ALN Transformation in Wales | Dyslexia | Reading Interventions | Handwriting | Pupils’ Stories | ALN Trips
Croeso i dudalen we Ysgol Calon Cymru sydd ar gyfer Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (ADY). Ar y dudalen we hon fe gewch wybodaeth, adnoddau a chyflwyniad i aelodau satff ADY ar y ddau gampws. Cliciwch ar y penawdau isod i fynd yn syth i'r adran sydd ei hangen arnoch.
Polisi ADY | Cwrdd â'r Tîm | Trawsnewidiad ALN yng Nghymru | Ddyslecsia | Ymyriadau Darllen | Llawysgrifen | Straeon Disgyblion | Teithiau ADY
ALN Policy
Download Ysgol Calon Cymru’s ALN Policy by clicking the link below.
Polisi ADY
Dadlwythwch Bolisi ALN Ysgol Calon Cymru trwy glicio ar y ddolen isod.
Meet the Team
Cwrdd â'r Tîm
Additional Learning Needs Co-Ordinator for Both Campuses
Qualified Teacher in Additional Learning Needs Provision and Dyslexia
What’s Important to Me
Supporting pupils with dyslexia and different learning styles.
Ensuring all pupils meet their potential whatever their background or starting point.
Personally, I enjoy spending time running and walking and being with my three children.
I can be contacted by email on Phillipsv22@hwbcymru.net
Cydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol ar gyfer y Ddau Gampws
Athro Cymwysedig mewn Darpariaeth Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol a Dyslecsia
Beth sy’n bwysig i fi
Cefnogi disgyblion gyda dyslecsia ac arddulliau dysgu gwahanol.
Sicrhau bod y disgyblion i gyd yn bodloni eu potensial beth bynnag eu cefndir neu fan cychwyn.
Yn bersonol, rwy’n mwynhau treulio amser yn rhedeg a cherdded a bod gyda’m tri phlentyn.
Gallwch gysylltu â fi ar e-bost Phillipsv22@hwbcymru.net
Additional Learning Needs – Builth Wells Campus
What’s Important to Me
Supporting individual pupils with any additional learning needs.
Ensuring all pupils meet their potential whatever their background or starting point.
Personally, I enjoy spending time cycling, walking and any DIY and being with my five beautiful grandchildren.
I can be contacted by email on DaviesD1013@hwbcymru.net
Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol – Campws Llanfair ym Muallt
Beth sy’n bwysig i fi
Cefnogi disgyblion unigol gydag unrhyw anghenion dysgu ychwanegol.
Sicrhau bod y disgyblion i gyd yn bodloni eu potensial beth bynnag eu cefndir neu fan cychwyn.
Yn bersonol, rwy’n mwynhau treulio amser yn seiclo, cerdded a gwneud unrhyw DIY a bod gyda fy mhum ŵyr ac wyres hardd.
Gallwch gysylltu â fi ar e-bost DaviesD1013@hwbcymru.net
Nurture Lead
Qualified Teaching Assistant in Additional Learning Needs
Specialising in Specific Learning Difficulties, Austic Spectrum, and Creative Art and Crafts for Wellbeing Sessions
What’s Important to Me
Supporting pupils with Autistic Spectrum, Dyslexia and significant learning difficulties, aiding them to achieve their best possible potential.
Personally, I enjoy creative projects , art pieces and felting.
I enjoy also the challenge of updating my own skills, whether it be in academic studies for professional use or for my own personal interests. Spending time with my family is very important and I love being both a mum and a nanny very much indeed.
I can be contacted by email on Stead-Jonesl5@hwbcymru.net
Arweinydd Meithrin
Cynorthwyydd Addysgu Cymwysedig mewn Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol
Arbenigol mewn Anawsterau Dysgu Penodol, y Sbectrwm Awtistig, a Chelf a Chrefft Creadigol ar gyfer Sesiynau Llesiant
Beth sy’n bwysig i fi
Cefnogi disgyblion sydd â Sbectrwm Awtistig, Dyslecsia ac anawsterau dysgu sylweddol, eu cynorthwyo i gyrraedd eu potensial gorau posibl.
Yn bersonol, rwy’n mwynhau projectau creadigol, darnau celf a ffeltio.
Hefyd, rwy’n mwynhau’r her o ddiweddaru fy sgiliau fy hun, boed hynny’n astudiaethau academaidd er defnydd proffesiynol neu ar gyfer fy niddordebau personol. Mae treulio amser gyda fy nheulu’n bwysig iawn i mi ac rwyf wrth fy modd fel mam a mam-gu.
Gallwch gysylltu â fi ar e-bost Stead-Jonesl5@hwbcymru.net
Learning Support Assistant – Builth Wells Campus
Diploma in Childcare Level 3
What’s Important to Me
Supporting pupils with learning needs and dyslexia.
Ensuring all pupils meet their potential and bringing out the best of their ability.
To make sure pupils feel safe well and happy.
Personally, I enjoy spending time walking my sausage dog, running, reading and being with my two children.
I can be contacted by email on PriceS342@hwbcymru.net
Cynorthwyydd Cymorth Dysgu – Campws Llanfair ym Muallt
Diploma mewn Gofal Plant Lefel 3
Beth sy’n bwysig i fi
Cefnogi disgyblion gydag anghenion dysgu a dyslecsia.
Sicrhau bod y disgyblion i gyd yn bodloni eu potensial a sicrhau eu bod yn gwneud y gorau a fedrant.
Gwneud yn siŵr bod y disgyblion yn teimlo’n ddiogel, iach a hapus.
Yn bersonol, rwy’n mwynhau treulio amser yn cerdded gyda fy nghi sosej, rhedeg, darllen a bod gyda fy nau blentyn.
Gallwch gysylltu â fi ar e-bost PriceS342@hwbcymru.net
Learning Support Assistant for ALN and ASC Departments – Llandrindod Campus
NVQ (Level 3) Qualified Learning Support Assistant
Welsh Speaker
What’s Important to Me
Supporting pupils with Alternative Learning Needs (ALN) and Autistic Spectrum Condition (ASC).
Watching pupils develop and reach their potential from Year 7 through to the Sixth Form and beyond.
Personally, I enjoy listening to all sorts of music and walking the dogs through the countryside.
I can be contacted by email on JonesR2108@hwbcymru.net
Cynorthwyydd Cymorth Dysgu ar gyfer yr Adrannau ADY a CSA – Campws Llandrindod
NVQ (Lefel 3) Cynorthwyydd Cymorth Dysgu Cymwysedig
Siaradwr Cymraeg
Beth sy’n bwysig i fi
Cefnogi disgyblion gydag Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (ADY) a Chyflwr y Sbectrwm Awtistig (CSA).
Gwylio disgyblion yn datbblygu a chyrraedd eu potensial o Flwyddyn 7 hyd at y Chweched Dosbarth a thu hwnt.
Yn bersonol, rwy’n mwynhau gwrando ar bob math o gerddoriaeth a cherdded y cŵn yng nghefn gwlad.
Gallwch gysylltu â fi ar e-bost JonesR2108@hwbcymru.net
Learning Support Assistant in the Welsh Stream
What’s Important to Me
Supporting pupils with all sorts of learning needs and different learning styles to enable them to stay in lessons and learn with their peers.
To reinforce confidence in their work and to help them find their strengths to enable them to succeed in whatever direction they decide to take.
Personally, I enjoy autograss racing, cooking and spending time with my boys.
Cynorthwy-ydd Dysgu y Ffrwd Gymraeg
Beth sydd yn bwysig i fi
Cefnogi disgyblion sydd â phob math o anghenion dysgu a gwahanol arddulliau dysgu i'w galluogi i aros mewn gwersi a dysgu gyda'u cyfoedion.
I atgyfnerthu hyder y disgybl yn eu gwaith ag I ddod o hud i'w cryfderau iddynt allu gyflawni ym mha bynnag gyfeiriad maent yn dewis.
Yn bersonol, rydw I yn mwynhau glas rasio, coginio, a gwario amser gyda fy mechgyn.
Specialist Teacher/Assessor for Both Campuses
Qualified Teacher in Secondary Education along with an OCR Level 7 Diploma in Teaching and Assessing Learners with Dyslexia/Specific Learning Difficulties
What’s Important to Me
Provide support for teachers, pupils and parents/guardians.
Liaise with class teachers, Heads of Year, Wellbeing team along with he ALNCO as and when issues arise concerning the pupil and level of support required.
Work with pupils individually to determine the level and nature of the intervention/support required.
Undertake specific training in order to be able to carry out a range of interventions/assessments successfully.
Provide feedback for staff on the strengths and weaknesses of the pupil and how best to support.
Personally I like to jog/crossfit. I’m also member of a local book club reading for fun and spending time with my family.
I can be contacted by email on PalfremanD7@hwbcymru.net
Athro/Aseswr Arbenigol ar gyfer y ddau Gampws
Athro Cymwysedig mewn Addysg Uwchradd ynghyd â Diploma Lefel 7 OCR mewn Addysgu ac Asesu Dysgwyr â Dyslecsia/Anawsterau Dysgu Penodol
Beth sy’n bwysig i fi
Darparu cefnogaeth i athrawon, disgyblion a rhieni/gwarcheidwaid.
Cysylltu ag athrawon dosbarth, Penaethiaid Blwyddyn, tîm Lles ynghyd â'r ALNCO pan fydd materion yn codi ynghylch y disgybl a lefel y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen.
Gweithio gyda disgyblion yn unigol i bennu lefel a natur yr ymyrraeth/cefnogaeth sy'n ofynnol.
Ymgymryd â hyfforddiant penodol er mwyn gallu cynnal ystod o ymyriadau/asesiadau yn llwyddiannus.
Rhoi adborth i'r staff ar gryfderau a gwendidau'r disgybl a'r ffordd orau o gefnogi.
Yn bersonol, rydw i'n hoffi loncian/trawsffit. Rwyf hefyd yn aelod o glwb llyfrau lleol reading am hwyl a threulio amser gyda fy nheulu.
Gallwch gysylltu â fi ar e-bost PalfremanD7@hwbcymru.net
Higher Level Teaching Assistant (HLTA)
NVQ in Childrens Care, Learning and Development (Level 5)
Certificate Higher Education in Bilingualism
What’s Important to Me
Helping children reach their full potential.
Helping children develop their confidence both academically and when learning new skills.
Outside of school I enjoy coaching rugby and spending time with my three children.
I can be contacted by email on baylissa25@hwbcymru.net
Cynorthwyydd Addysgu Lefel Uwch (CALU)
NVQ mewn Gofal, Dysgu a Datblygiad Plant (Lefel 5)
Tystysgrif Addysg Uwch mewn Dwyieithrwydd
Beth sy’n bwysig i fi
Helpu plant i gyrraedd eu llawn botensial.
Helpu plant i ddatblygu eu hyder yn academaidd ac wrth ddysgu sgiliau newydd.
Y tu allan i'r ysgol rwy'n mwynhau hyfforddi rygbi a threulio amser gyda fy nhri o blant.
Gallwch gysylltu â fi ar e-bost baylissa25@hwbcymru.net
ALN Transformation in Wales
What’s Happening?
To see what’s happening with ALN Transformation in Wales, watch the following video from Welsh Government and download the document below it.
Trawsnewidiad ALN yng Nghymru
Beth sy'n Digwydd?
I weld beth sy'n digwydd gyda ALN Trawsnewid yng Nghymru, gwyliwch y fideo canlynol gan Lywodraeth Cymru a dadlwythwch y ddogfen oddi tani.
Additional Learning Needs Transformation Programme: Introduction
Additional Learning Needs (ALN) System
A guide for parents and families about how children will move to the additional learning needs (ALN) system between September 2022 and August 2023.
Rhaglen Trawsnewid System Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol: Cyflwyniad
System Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol (ADY)
Canllaw i rieni a theuluoedd ynghylch sut y bydd plant yn symud i'r system anghenion dysgu ychwanegol (ADY) rhwng mis Medi 2022 a mis Awst 2023.
Powys Dyslexia Guidance
Below you can download a copy of the Dyslexia Guidance document from Powys County Council Education Services.
The purpose of this document is to outline Powys’s approach to identifying dyslexia and how to meet the needs of children and young people with dyslexia.
The intended audience is all those who work with and support children and young people including parents/carers, governors, support services, other professionals and the children and young people themselves.
Useful Websites
The following websites are useful resources on dyslexia:
Canllawiau ar Ddyslecsia
Isod, gallwch lawrlwytho copi o ddogfen Canllaw Dyslecsia gan Gwasanaethau Addysg Cyngor Sir Powys.
Pwrpas y ddogfen hon yw disgrifio dull Powys i adnabod dyslecsia a sut i ateb anghenion plant a phobl ifanc gyda dyslecsia.
Y gynulleidfa darged yw pawb sy’n gweithio gyda ac yn cynorthwyo plant a phobl ifanc, gan gynnwys rhieni/gofalwyr, llywodraethwyr, gwasanaethau cymorth, gweithwyr proffesiynol eraill, a’r plant a’r bobl ifanc eu hunain.
Gwefannau Defnyddiol
Mae’r gwefannau canlynol yn adnoddau defnyddiol ar ddyslecsia:
Assistive Technology
The following resources offer information on assistive technologies that can support learners with dyslexia:
Technoleg Gynorthwyol
Mae’r adnoddau canlynol yn cynnig gwybodaeth ar dechnolegau cynorthwyol a all gefnogi dysgwyr â dyslecsia:
Reading Interventions
Lexia® PowerUp is a computer-based program that tailors instructions to a learner’s specific needs and allows them to work at their own pace. In PowerUp, learners are automatically placed at the proper skill level where they can work independently. To learn more about PowerUp, watch the following video and download the accompanying documents.
Ymyriadau Darllen
Rhaglen gyfrifiadur yw Lexia® PowerUp sy’n teilwra cyfarwyddiadau am anghenion penodol dysgwr ac yn caniatau iddynt weithio ar eu cyflymder eu hunain. Yn PowerUp, rhoddir dysgwyr yn awtomatig ar y lefel sgil gywir lle gallant weithio’n annibynnol. I ddysgu mwy am PowerUp, gwyliwch y fideo canlynol a lawrlwythwch y dogfennau cysylltiedig.
Handwriting Resources for Pupils
Writing is one of the most important ways of communicating with other people. It is important then that your writing can easily be read by others. Download the activity booklet below to start improving your handwriting skills.
Adnoddau Llawysgrifen i Ddisgyblion
Ysgrifennu yw un o'r ffyrdd pwysicaf o gyfathrebu â phobl eraill. Mae'n bwysig felly bod eraill yn gallu darllen eich gwaith ysgrifennu yn hawdd. Lawrlwythwch y llyfryn gweithgaredd isod i ddechrau gwella eich sgiliau llawysgrifen.
Once you’ve completed the activity booklet above, give these further activities a go. They range from helpful everyday tasks you’ll need when you leave school like job and passport applications, to fun activities like pitching a video game and writing your own song.
Unwaith y byddwch wedi cwblhau’r llyfryn gweithgareddau uchod, rhowch gynnig ar y gweithgareddau pellach hyn. Maen nhw’n amrywio o dasgau bob dydd defnyddiol y bydd eu hangen arnoch chi pan fyddwch chi’n gadael yr ysgol fel ceisiadau am swydd a phasbort, i weithgareddau hwyliog fel creu gêm fideo ac ysgrifennu eich cân eich hun.
Handwriting Resources for Parents & Carers
The following resources will give you an overview of the importance of handwriting in secondary school, and what you and the school can do to help your child improve their handwriting skills.
Adnoddau Llawysgrifen i Rieni a Gofalwyr
Bydd yr adnoddau canlynol yn rhoi trosolwg i chi o bwysigrwydd llawysgrifen yn yr ysgol uwchradd, a’r hyn y gallwch chi a’r ysgol ei wneud i helpu’ch plentyn i wella ei sgiliau llawysgrifen.
Pupils’ Stories
Below you can read the story of one of our ALN pupils Jaiden and his mum Anne-Marie, where they talk about Jaiden’s counselling and music therapy with Tŷ Hafan and what it means to them both.
Straeon Disgyblion
Isod gallwch ddarllen stori un o'n disgyblion ADY Jaiden a'i fam Anne-Marie, lle maen nhw'n siarad am gwnsela a therapi cerdd Jaiden gyda Thŷ Hafan a'r hyn mae'n ei olygu i'r ddau ohonyn nhw.
Ysgol Calon Cymru pupil Katie Davies was selected to represent RDA (Riding for Disabled) Bryngwyn stables at the regional qualifiers in the countryside challenge. Well done Katie, you rode well and did everyone proud.
Dewiswyd Katie Davies, disgybl Ysgol Calon Cymru, i gynrychioli RDA (Marchogaeth i Anabl) Bryngwyn yn y rowndiau rhagbrofol rhanbarthol yn yr her cefn gwlad. Da iawn Katie, ti'n reidio'n dda ac yn gwneud pawb yn falch.