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Mathematics and Numeracy
Mathemateg a Rhifedd

Key Concepts
Cysyniadau Allweddol

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It was agreed at a cluster heads meeting that due to schools using maths schemes, progression maps would not be produced. However, key concepts would be listed.  

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Statement of What Matters

Key Concept

WMS1- Number

  1. The number system - Place value
  1. The number system - Reading and representing numbers
  1. The number system - Comparing, estimating and rounding 
  1. The number system - Estimating and checking
  1. The number system - Counting
  1. The number system - Ordering and sequencing
  1. Relationships - Fractions, decimals and percentages 
  1. Relationships – Calculations
  1. Relationships – Multiplicative reasoning
  1. Relationships - Times tables, multiples and factors
  1. Financial Literacy

WMS2- Algebra

  1. Patterns and sequences
  1. Forming
  1. Manipulating
  1. Solving
  1. Modelling
  1. Graphical Methods

WMS3- Geometry

  1. Measurement - Time
  1. Measurement - Units
  1. Measurements - Estimating
  1. Shape and Space - 2-D and 3-D shapes
  1. Shape and Space - Symmetry and transformations
  1. Shape and Space - Area and perimeter
  1. Shape and Space - Scale and ratio
  1. Shape and Space - Triangles
  1. Shape and Space - Volume
  1. Position
  1. Angles

WMS4- Statistics

  1. Collecting data
  1. Representing data by grouping and classifying
  1. Representing data in graphs and charts
  1. Interpreting and exploring data 
  1. Interpreting and evaluating data 
  1. Probability