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Health and Wellbeing
Lechyd a Lles

Key Concepts
Cysyniadau Allweddol

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Physical Health

Iechyd Corfforol

  • Physical Health

  • Physical Literacy

  • Impact of nutrition

  • Emotional & physical connection

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Planning for Progression 

Area of Learning and Experience

Health and Well-being

Statement of What Matters

Developing physical health and well-being has lifelong benefits.

Key Concept

Physical activity 

Overarching Learning Intention


Learner can be encouraged to develop the confidence, motivation, physical competence knowledge and understanding that can help them lead healthy active lives so that; they can take part in physical activity that builds their physical well-being.  


Concepts to consider within this Statement of What Matters 


Physical Health, Physical Literacy, Impact of nutrition, Emotional and physical connection.

Progression over time

Learning Intentions --->

Skills- what will I be able to do by the end of the learning experience? 

To begin to develop fine motor skills.

To begin to develop gross motor skills.

 To explore space safely and creatively in response to a variety of stimuli.

To motivate myself to engage confidently in regular physical activity and sport and am aware of my own progress.

To develop motor movements safely under instruction.


To use and improve basic movement skills.


To respond to prompts in imaginative and creative ways.

To have the confidence and motivation to persevere when faced with physical challenges. 

To be aware of my own progress.


To develop and apply a range of skills in familiar, unfamiliar, and changing situations, 

To explore space creatively in response to a variety of stimuli. 

To motivate myself to engage confidently in regular physical activity and sport.


To be able to recognise some of the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and wellbeing, and I know how to respond and get help in a safe way.  

To understand the importance of remaining physically active, to maintain good physical health. 

To understand how physical fitness enables sustained performances including components of fitness and cardiac health.

To understand how to motivate myself to engage in regular physical activity.


To independently adapt and apply movement skills across a range of activities and environments.

To confidently use space in increasingly challenging situations.

To value the benefits of participation in regular physical activity, seeking opportunities to develop specialism and expertise in chosen activities.


Knowledge- What will I know and understand by the end of the learning experience?

Know how to move safely.


Know how to follow instructions.


Know terminology for basic actions (eg jumps, different sorts of moving).



Know how to move safely in different situations.


Starting to follow rules of games.

Know how to link different actions.

Begin to understand the impact of exercise on my body.


Know how to move independently in different situations, keeping others safe.

Knowing and following rules of games and explain these to others.

Know how to develop and reproduce sequences of actions.

To understand the impact of cardiovascular exercise on my body


To be able to recognise some of the behaviours, conditions and situations that affect my physical health and wellbeing, and I know how to respond and get help in a safe way.  

To understand the importance of remaining physically active, to maintain good physical health. 

To understand how physical fitness enables sustained performances including components of fitness and cardiac health.

To understand how to motivate myself to engage in regular physical activity. 


To understand how intensity and duration affects physical fitness.

To be able to analyse the relevance of components of fitness within different physical activities.

To understand how increased physical fitness impacts on performance.

To understand how motivation encourages adherence to physical activity.

To be able to understand the benefits of exercise on physical health and wellbeing.


Experiences- What experiences will be provided to develop the learning? 


Cross-curricular Skills- What cross-curricular skills will I have developed by the end of the learning experience?



Well Being

Lles Meddyliol ac Emosiynol

  • Enquiry

  • Observing & researching

  • Understanding & evaluating

  • Conclusions & Judgments

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Planning for Progression 

Area of Learning and Experience

Health and Wellbeing 

Statement of What Matters

How we process and respond to our experiences affects are mental health and emotional well-being 


Key Concept

Well Being

Overarching Learning Intention


To be aware of our own and others feelings and emotions so that we can build our emotional well-being by developing confidence, resilience, and empathy.   

Concepts to consider within this Statement of What Matters


Empathy and compassion, Feelings and emotions, Emotional literacy.

Progression over time

Learning Intentions --->

Skills- what will I be able to do by the end of the learning experience? 

To recognise basic feelings and emotions so that I can communicate how I am feeling.


To communicate how I am feeling so that others understand how I feel. 



To develop listening skills so that I can understand what others are saying.


To recognise that other people have feeling and emotions so that I can understand how someone else is feeling. 
To communicate how I am feeling, giving a reason so that others understand how I feel.





To develop listening skills in a range of situations so that I can understand what others are saying.


To identify and acknowledge different feelings and emotions so that I can be kind and understand why someone else feels a certain way. 

To communicate and mirror emotions when someone is speaking so that I can be an active listener.


To acknowledge what others are saying so that I can be an active listener.



To identify and validate different feelings and emotions so that I can help myself and others.  


To communicate and mirror emotions, using appropriate body language when someone is speaking so that I can be an active listener. 


To acknowledge and understand what others are saying so that I can be an active listener.


To identify and validate complex feelings and emotions so that I can seek help and support for myself and others.



To listen actively and communicate clearly so that I can listen and respond with empathy and compassion.  




To acknowledge, understand and relate to what others are saying so that I can empathise with others. 


Knowledge- What will I know and understand by the end of the learning experience?

To know about different feelings emotions so that I can communicate how I feel, including kindness. 

To know how it feels to be happy, angry and sad so that I can recognise how I am feeling.  


To understand what makes a good listener so that I can understand what others are saying.

To know the meaning of feelings and emotions, including kindness so that I can recognise feelings.



To understand that other people have feelings and emotions so that I can understand others emotions. 


To understand what makes a good listener and communicator so that I can communicate effectively.  

To know more complex feelings and emotions so that I can help myself. 




To understand how my experiences might affect my feelings so that I can think about my well-being. 



To understand how to mirror emotions appropriately so that I can communicate effectively.  



To know more complex feelings and emotions so that I can help others.





To understand the benefits of talking about feelings and emotions so that I can build my emotional well-being.



To understand different types of body language as a form of communication so that I can listen and respond appropriately.  




To understand how and why different experiences can affect people’s feelings and emotions so that I can empathise. 

To understand that different people have a range of different experiences so that I can show empathy. 



To listen and understand what support is available to myself and others so that I can keep myself and others safe and well.



Experiences- What experiences will be provided to develop the learning? 


Cross-curricular Skills- What cross-curricular skills will I have developed by the end of the learning experience?


Planning for Progression 

Area of Learning and Experience

Health and Wellbeing 

Statement of What Matters

How we process and respond to our experiences affects are mental health and emotional well-being 

Key Concept

Self-Awareness and Self-Regulation 

Overarching Learning Intention


To support learners to develop strategies which help them to regulate their emotions and understand their feelings (HWB WM2) so that learners are understanding and maintaining their mental and emotional well-being by developing their confidence, resilience and empathy (HCI), so that learners are ready to face and overcome challenges in order to lead fulfilling lives. (HCI)

Progression over time

Learning Intentions --->

Skills- what will I be able to do by the end of the learning experience? 

With support, focus my attention and engage with my learning.



To begin to label basic emotions.





To listen to instructions to help me engage with my learning.


To begin to identify my feelings.





With increasing independence, to listen and focus with growing attention.



To label and describe my emotions using a developing vocabulary.




To communicate my understanding of my own thoughts and feelings to those of others. 

To focus my attention and engage with my learning.


To utilise strategies to help me focus my attention on my learning.


To apply my understanding of a range of emotions in response to familiar situations.

To use my understanding of my own thoughts and feelings to appreciate the complexities of my own emotions and how this can impact those around me.





To utilise a range of strategies to focus my attention and engage fully with my learning.


To recognise and respond appropriately.







To utilise a range of effective strategies for self-regulation and self-awareness. 



To appreciate the complexities of my own emotions and how this can impact those around me.



To listen actively and communicate clearly so that I can listen and respond while maintaining self-regulation. 







To utilise a wider range of effective and refined strategies for self-regulation and self-awareness.





To easily regulate the complexities of my own emotions knowing that this can impact on others and the task. To maintain equilibrium of emotion in challenging situations.



To be able to shift attention and focus onto what is important within any situation or scenario with ease.

Knowledge- What will I know and understand by the end of the learning experience?

To begin to understand my own  thoughts and feelings. 



With support, to begin to know, how to engage with my learning.


With support, become aware of my basic emotions and my changing thoughts and feelings.


To understand my own thoughts and feelings.





With increasing independence, develop my attention and engage in my learning. 


To have an awareness of my basic emotions and my changing thoughts and feelings. 

To develop my understanding of my own thoughts and feelings and that of others. 


To know some strategies to help me focus my attention on my learning. 

To have a developing understanding of a range of emotions in response to familiar situations.

To appreciate the complexities of my own emotions and how this can impact those around me.


To choose from a range of strategies to focus my attention to help not only myself, but others to engage in their learning. 

To understand a wide range of emotions in response to unfamiliar situations.

.To have an in depth knowledge and appreciation of my own emotional responses to situations and stimuli, allowing myself to preplan my behaviours accordingly.


Experiences- What experiences will be provided to develop the learning? 


Cross-curricular Skills- What cross-curricular skills will I have developed by the end of the learning experience?



Decision Making


  • Impact of decisions

  • Managing risk

  • Informed choices

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Planning for Progression 

Area of Learning and Experience

Health and Well-being

Statement of What Matters

Our decision-making impacts on the quality of our lives and the lives of others

Key Concept

Decision Making 

Overarching Learning Intention


To understand the impact decision making has on the quality of my life and the lives of others (HWB WM3) so that I can understand the factors that influence decision-making and be in a better position to make more informed and considered decisions (HWB WM3) and so that I can take measured decisions about lifestyle and manage risk (HCI)

Concepts to consider within this Statement of What Matters 


Impact of decisions, Managing risk, Informed choices.

Progression over time

Learning Intentions --->

Skills- what will I be able to do by the end of the learning experience? 

To remember and follow rules so that I can keep safe 


To recognise when I am in an unsafe situation


To recognise a fair and unfair situation 


To understand that I need to follow rules so that I can keep myself and others safe


To understand when I or others are in an unsafe situation and what action I need to take


To be able to make a decision based on what is fair or unfair. To be able to identify how we can make a situation fair for myself and others

To apply my understanding of the consequences of my actions to my decision making 


To choose actions which will make a situation safer and to know how to make a managed risk


To relate to and empathise with others to make fair choices

To refine my decision making due to an improved understanding of the consequences of actions.


To anticipate what might happen in different situations and act accordingly.




To use anticipation to pre plan my actions in a wide variety of situations.

Knowledge- What will I know and understand by the end of the learning experience?

To know and discuss our school rules


To recognise unsafe situations in the home or on the way to school


To recognise that an unfair situation can make me sad or angry

To know and understand why we need school rules 


To explain how to keep myself and others safe at home and when outside


To understand that unfair situations can have a negative impact on myself.

and others.


To understand that problem solving can help to make a situation fair


To apply what I like and dislike to my choices, giving reasons which are based upon past experiences


To understand the decisions, I make will have an impact upon myself and others 


To identify and assess risks, illustrating with examples and explain how to reduce these




To refine a deepening understanding of cause and consequence across a range of situations and scenarios.


To be able to pre-empt risks through prior experience and to reduce these through well refined management strategies.

.To have well refined knowledge of processes and situational nuances in order to anticipate actions or outcomes and there act accordingly.


Experiences- What experiences will be provided to develop the learning? 


Cross-curricular Skills- What cross-curricular skills will I have developed by the end of the learning experience?



Social Influences

Dylanwadau Cymdeithasol & Perthynas

  • Rules and norms

  • Social Influences

  • Identify and values

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Planning for Progression 

Area of Learning and Experience

Health and Wellbeing 

Statement of What Matters

How we engage with social influences shapes who we are and affects our health and well-being 

Key Concept

Social influences 

Overarching Learning Intention


To understand the important role of social influences on our lives (WM4), so that they have knowledge about their culture, community, society, and the world and now and the past (EIC), so that they develop empathy, care and respect for others and the impact  of decisions, actions and circumstances (PoP5) when respecting the rights of others as a member of a diverse society  (EIC)

Concepts to consider within this Statement of What Matters 


Rules and norms, Social Influences, Identity and values.

Progression over time

Learning Intentions --->

Skills- what will I be able to do by the end of the learning experience? 

To be caring towards others


To demonstrate care, respect and affection for other children and adults


To develop and describe friendship skills


To begin to work co-operatively.


To take responsibility for their own actions


 To understand class and school rules and protocols 


To have respect for class, school and society’s rules 


To be aware that actions have consequences 


To demonstrate respect for the needs of others.


To have respect for society’s, class and school rules.


To take responsibility for their own actions. 


To begin to articulate our personal values 

To show respect and appreciate the diversity of societies.


To explore how identities are shaped by groups and social influences, including those with which I interact


To appreciate the rights, feelings and welfare of other people, adapting my behaviours accordingly.

To have developed a well refined set of values that underpin your own behaviours, based upon not only knowledge of a range of situations and scenarios but also a well understood set of emotional responses to stimuli.


Knowledge- What will I know and understand by the end of the learning experience?

To understand fairness and play co-operatively


To understand the need for politeness towards all others

To know when their actions or words have hurt another and make amends. 


To understand class rules and begin to understand school rules


To begin to respond appropriately to danger both in and out of school


To begin to understand that people have choices 


Begin to describe and understand their Welsh identity 

To recognise and follow the rules and norms of different groups in which I take part.

To explore and adapt how I interact and behave in different social situations e.g. playground, social gatherings place of worship and other events.


To have an awareness of different groups within society (e.g. based on age, gender, ethnicity, religion etc)  

To understand that I can be influenced by the rules, norms and behaviours of different groups. 

To interact pro-socially within different groups showing consideration and concern for others. 

To reflect on my social interactions. 

To be aware that identities can be shaped by different groups, values and attitudes.



To distinguish how rules and behaviours become established within groups, how they differ, and at times go unchallenged. 

To understand how and why different groups in society have established their norms and values. 

To value the importance of interacting pro-socially, within a diverse society.







Experiences- What experiences will be provided to develop the learning? 


Cross-curricular Skills- What cross-curricular skills will I have developed by the end of the learning experience?





  • Enquiry

  • Observing & researching

  • Understanding & evaluating

  • Conclusions & Judgments

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Planning for Progression 

Area of Learning and Experience

Health and Well-being

Statement of What Matters

Healthy relationships are fundamental to our well-being 

Key Concept


Overarching Learning Intention


To understand the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships (WM5) so that we can form positive relationships based on trust and mutual respect, and so that we know how to find the information and support to keep safe and well (HCI)

Concepts to consider within this Statement of What Matters 


Relationships, Belonging, Feelings, Rights and respect.

Progression over time

Learning Intentions --->

Skills- what will I be able to do by the end of the learning experience? 

To show kindness to myself and others  

To listen, share worries with trusted adults, and talk to my friends  

To make choices and understand consequences

To respect myself and those of others 


To help myself and others around me to form healthy relationships


To make choices based on what I know and understand consequences


To respect myself and those of others in my community  

To recognise the needs of myself and others to develop healthy relationships and begin to seek support for unhealthy relationships  

To make informed decisions and understand consequences of my own actions

To respect myself and those of others in society   


To form and maintain healthy relationships with a range of people and seek support for myself and others in unhealthy relationships


To make informed decisions and understand consequences of my own actions and the effect this has on others around me

To show an understanding of the complex nature of relationships in a range of contexts and an understanding of how they are influenced by a range of factors


To empathise with different types of relationships or situations within relationships.



Knowledge- What will I know and understand by the end of the learning experience?

To describe what makes a good friend and how to be a good friend


To name family members and trusted adults around me  

To know how to ask for help for myself

 To explain what makes a good friend and how to be a good friend


To describe the role of trusted individuals around me 


To know how to ask for help and resolve disagreements with support

To describe how to form and maintain healthy relationships, and understand how these change overtime 


To recognize that different types of relationships are built with different people and that behaviours need to be often modified accordingly.


To explain trusted adults within my community and how they can help me and others 


To know how to ask for support from a range of people and resolve conflicts with support 


To describe the characteristics of healthy and unhealthy relationships and how to maintain healthy relationships


To explain trusted adults and their role within my society and how they can help me and others 

To know how to ask for support for myself and others and resolve conflicts appropriately

To be able to explain what factors are contingent in maintaining and regulating relationships in all their guises.


To know the characteristics of equitable, consensual and loving relationships.


To know that a range of external issues can have an impact on relationships.


 To know what may constitute an unhealthy or abusive relationship e.g. coercive control.


Experiences- What experiences will be provided to develop the learning? 


Cross-curricular Skills- What cross-curricular skills will I have developed by the end of the learning experience?