Distance Learning / Dysgu o bell

Mae'r staff yn Ysgol Calon Cymru wedi bod wrthi'n paratoi am gau'r ysgol i ddysgwyr gan greu gwaith ac adnoddau i gefnogi dysgu ein pobl ifanc yn eu cartrefi.

Er mwyn creu sytem llyfn a syml, bydd yr holl gyfathrebu ynglŷn a’r gwaith y digwydd drwy’r wefan a Go4Schools.  Felly, gallwch fynd i adran Dysgu o Bell y wefan, ac/neu i’ch cyfrif Go4Schools am waith ac adnoddau.

The staff at Ysgol Calon Cymru have been working hard to prepare for the closure of the school to learners, by creating work and resources to support our young people’s learning at home.

In order to create a streamlined and straightforward system, all communication about work will be through the website and Go4Schools.  So, please visit the Distance Learning section of the website and/or your Go4Schools account for work and resources.

KS3, KS4, KS5Elwyn Davies