School Closures

In light of the decision to close schools across Wales, we are now working as a whole school community to ensure that closure is managed in the most efficient way possible. Our priority is to support our pupils and promote positive wellbeing during this challenging time.

Symptoms of COVID-19 and Health Advice

The most common symptoms of coronavirus (COVID-19) are recent onset of:

  • new continuous cough and/or

  • high temperature

If you are worried about the health of your child, please use the Coronavirus COVID-19 symptom checker on NHS Direct Wales:

Do not go directly to your GP or other healthcare environment.  See the latest information about novel coronavirus on the Public Health Wales website:

Community and Large Scale School Events

To play our part in preventing the spread of the Corona virus, as a precautionary measure we are as a school cancelling all non-essential large scale events where there is interaction between staff, pupils, parents and the wider community.  This preventative measure will take place with immediate effect.


Overseas Educational Visits

The government have announced a number of additional measures relating to overseas educational visits and are now formally advising against all overseas education trips. As a result, all of our school trips at Ysgol Calon Cymru are currently on hold until we receive further guidance. We are currently working closely with travel and insurance companies to establish the school’s position.  Once we are able to share information, parents of pupils who are enrolled on one of our overseas trips will be contacted.



Qualifications Wales have recognised schools might have concerns about the possible impact of Coronavirus on the 2020 summer exam series. As a national organisation, they routinely consider whether there are particular risks to the smooth running of exams. In light of this issue, they are discussing whether any additional measures are needed this year with exam boards, fellow UK regulators and Government departments. Qualification Wales have committed to providing guidance on their website to reflect any specific arrangements that schools and colleges should put in place if required. In the meantime, students should continue to prepare for the summer exams as usual.

More information can be found here:


Looking After Ourselves and Each Other


Communication: Keeping You Informed

As the situation with COVID-19 is developing daily, we will be providing regular updates through our school communication channels. We will keep you informed as decisions are made. If you have any specific concerns please contact us by phone or email.

Distance Learning

The school will only close where there is direct guidance/recommendation from appropriate authorities eg. Public Health Wales and/or where there are insufficient numbers of staff available to safely deliver an education to students. In the event of full school closure, staff will not be able to access either our Builth or Llandrindod school sites. Therefore, in this situation the school will

  • Provide students in all year groups (with increased support for those students preparing to sit public examinations in the summer) with online materials to facilitate distance learning

  • Provide paper-based materials for those students who do not have access to either a mobile device and/or internet

  • Communicate with families/students on a regular basis to provide updates on the recovery phase ie. safe return to normal school life.

Upon return to 'normal practices,' the school will

  • Undertake a learning audit for examination classes to identify skills-gaps in readiness for the summer series

  • Communicate with relevant awarding bodies to make them aware of any requirements for special considerations

  • Respond to any ongoing support required for students and/or staff.

Thank you for your ongoing support. 


Dr. Richard Jones

Headteacher/ Pennaeth

KS3, KS4, KS5Elwyn Davies