School Meals and Clothing Grants / Prydau Ysgol a Grantiau Dillad

If you are on a low income, Powys County Council can help you with the cost of school meals and clothing for any pupil in full time education. Find out more at the link below.

Free school meals in Wales information for parents and guardians from Welsh Government:

Os ydych ar incwm isel, gall Cyngor Sir Powys eich helpu gyda chost prydau ysgol ar gyfer unrhyw ddisgybl mewn addysg llawn amser. Darganfyddwch fwy trwy'r ddolen isod.

Gwybodaeth am brydau ysgol am ddim yng Nghymru i rieni a gwarcheidwaid o Llywodraeth Cymru:

Matthew Morris