GO 4 Schools Mobile App / Ap Symudol GO 4 SCHOOLS


We’re excited to reveal that Ysgol Calon Cymru has signed up to use the GO 4 Schools mobile app, which will allow us to share key information with parents, carers and pupils using their preferred device.

The app is a very easy way for us to share things like timetables, attendance, messages and rewards with our parents, carers and pupils. It’s completely free of charge to use, and can be downloaded from the App Store and Google Play.

Rydym yn gyffrous i ddatgelu bod Ysgol Calon Cymru wedi cofrestru i ddefnyddio ap symudol GO 4 Schools, a fydd yn caniatáu inni rannu gwybodaeth allweddol gyda rhieni, gofalwyr a disgyblion gan ddefnyddio'r ddyfais sydd orau ganddynt. 

Mae'r ap yn ffordd hawdd iawn i ni rannu pethau fel amserlenni, presenoldeb, negeseuon a gwobrau gyda'n rhieni, gofalwyr a disgyblion. Mae'n hollol rhad ac am ddim i'w ddefnyddio, a gellir ei lawrlwytho o'r App Store a Google Play.

The school will begin using the app to contact parents and carers over the summer break. To learn more about what the app can do and how to use it, download the following handy quick start guide.

Bydd yr ysgol yn dechrau defnyddio'r ap i gysylltu â rhieni a gofalwyr dros wyliau'r haf. I ddysgu mwy am yr hyn y gall yr ap ei wneud a sut i'w ddefnyddio, lawrlwythwch y canllaw cychwyn cyflym defnyddiol canlynol.

If you have any questions about the app or difficulties in accessing it, please contact us via the details provided here: www.ysgolcalon.cymru/contact

Os oes gennych unrhyw gwestiynau am yr ap neu anawsterau ei gyrchu, cysylltwch â ni trwy'r manylion a ddarperir yma: www.ysgolcalon.cymru/contact

KS3, KS4, KS5Matthew Morris