Summer Holiday Support / Cefnogaeth Gwyliau'r Haf

The school year may be coming to an end but support is still available for families that need it over the summer break. In the following downloadable documents you will find information on support and events from Credu Young Carers and Youth Worker Jess Metcalf throughout the summer, and also some key contact details for other sources of support should you need them.

Efallai bod y flwyddyn ysgol yn dod i ben ond mae cefnogaeth ar gael o hyd i deuluoedd sydd ei angen dros wyliau'r haf. Yn y dogfennau y gellir eu lawrlwytho isod fe welwch wybodaeth am gefnogaeth a digwyddiadau gan Gofalwyr Ifanc Credu a Gweithiwr Ieuenctid Jess Metcalf trwy gydol yr haf, a hefyd rhai manylion cyswllt allweddol ar gyfer ffynonellau cymorth eraill pe bai eu hangen arnoch.

Mat Morris