Powys Yr 11 Virtual Open Day

Dear Yr. 11 pupil,

As your statutory time at school comes to an end, it is highly likely that you have many questions and queries regarding your next steps from September 2021 onwards. If you would like to find out more regarding:

  • What options are available within our Powys 6th forms?

  • How does e-sgol and the collaboration between Powys schools work?

  • How do I apply to a Powys 6th form?

  • What support and guidance will be available to you?

  • What experience can I expect from being a member of Powys 6th form?

If so, then join us at our virtual open day sessions on the 8th June, where we will be sharing information with you and answering your questions.

Annwyl disgybl Bl. 11,

Wrth i’ch gyrfa ysgol dod i ben, mae’n debygol eich bod â nifer fawr o gwestiynau i’w holi am eich dyfodol o fis Medi 2021 ymlaen. Os hoffech cael yr atebion i:

  • Pa opsiynau sydd ar gael i chi o fewn chweched dosbarth Powys?

  • Sut mae’r cydweithio rhwng ysgolion Powys ac e-sgol yn gweithio?

  • Sut ydw i yn gwneud cais i chweched dosbarth Powys?

  • Pa gymorth ac arweiniad bydd ar gael i mi?

  • Pa math o brofiad yw hi i fod yn aelod o 6ed dosbarth Powys?

Os felly, ymunwch gyda ni yn y sesiynau agored isod ar yr 8fed o Fehefin, ble byddwn yn rhannu gwybodaeth gyda chi ac yn ateb eich cwestiynau.

Matthew Morris