Mental Health Awareness Evening / Noson Ymwybyddiaeth Iechyd Meddwl

Monday 17th May at 5:30pm on TEAMS

Presentations from school staff and external agencies on:

How to support you child’s Mental Health and Wellbeing

Information from:

  • Jess Metcalf, Youth Worker

  • Youth Intervention Service

  • CAIS

  • Young Carers

  • Additional Learning Needs Coordinator

  • Wellbeing Ambassadors

  • and many more...

To attend, please email providing your name and email address.

Dydd Llun 17eg Mai am 5:30pm ar TEAMS

Cyflwyniadau gan staff yr ysgol ac asiantaethau allanol ar:

Sut i gefnogi Iechyd Meddwl a Llesiant eich plentyn

Gwybodaeth gan:

  • Jess Metcalf, Gweithiwr Ieuenctid

  • Gwasanaeth Ymyriad Ieuenctid

  • CAIS

  • Gofalwyr Ifanc

  • Cydlynydd Anghenion Dysgu Ychwanegol Llysgenhadwyr Llesiant

  • a llawer mwy...

I fynychu, e-bostiwch gan roi eich enw a chyfeiriad ebost i

Rhys Owain Williams