Careers Wales Newsletter / Cylchlythyr Gyrfaoedd Cymru

Dear Parents and Carers,

I’m a Careers Adviser at Ysgol Calon Cymru and my role is to support you and your child when it comes to making important subject and career decisions. You will have a key role in helping your child make decisions. 

Read our latest newsletter to see how you can access the most up to date careers information, advice and guidance.

Careers Wales Newsletter

If you would like to get in touch, please contact me on 07976293345. 

Anne Jones

Careers Adviser, Ysgol Calon Cymru

Annwyl Rieni a Gofalwyr,

Rwy'n Gynghorydd Gyrfaoedd yn Ysgol Calon Cymru a fy rôl i yw eich cefnogi chi a'ch plentyn o ran gwneud penderfyniadau pwnc a gyrfa pwysig. Bydd gennych rôl allweddol wrth helpu'ch plentyn i wneud penderfyniadau.

Darllenwch ein cylchlythyr diweddaraf i weld sut y gallwch gael gafael ar y wybodaeth, y cyngor a'r arweiniad gyrfaoedd mwyaf diweddar.

Cylchlythyr Gyrfaoedd Cymru

Os hoffech chi gysylltu, cysylltwch â mi ar 07976293345.

Anne Jones

Cynghorydd Gyrfaoedd, Ysgol Calon Cymru

Matthew Morris