Road Safety Wales - Social Media Competition / Diogelwch Ffurdd Cymru - Cystadleuaeth Cyfryngau Cymdeithasol

To promote the Fatal 5 message, schools, colleges and youth organisations are invited to devise, perform and record a short film that will warn of the dangers and consequences of drink/drug driving, excess speed, careless driving, not wearing a seatbelt and using a mobile phone whilst driving. The winning entries will be shared on Road Safety Wales Partner social media channels to raise awareness about the Fatal 5.

I hyrwyddo neges y Pump Peryglus, gwahoddir ysgolion, colegau a mudiadau ieuenctid i greu, perfformio a recordio ffilm fer a fydd yn rhybuddio pobl o beryglon a chanlyniadau yfed a gyrru/gyrru ar gyffuriau, gyrru'n rhy gyflym, gyrru'n ddiofal, peidio â gwisgo gwregys diogelwch a defnyddio ffôn symudol wrth yrru. Bydd y ffilmiau byr buddugol yn cael eu rhannu ar sianeli cyfryngau cymdeithasol Partneriaid Diogelwch Ffyrdd Cymru i godi ymwybyddiaeth o'r Pump Peryglus.

Follow the links below for further information:

Dilynwch y linciau isod am fwy o wybodaeth:

Sarah Cuthbertson