Builth Wells Library - Public Consultation

You will be aware that Powys County Council is facing unprecedented financial pressure, as we endeavour to maintain critically important services for the residents of Powys.

Following another reduction in our budget settlement from Welsh Government, we are in the unenviable position of needing to find savings of £14m during next year (2019/20) and a further £20m for the following three years up until 2023.

As a result of this, we are having to look again at how to reduce costs across all service areas – services such as highway maintenance, environmental health, our schools service, arts and cultural services and the library service.

As a result of this, we are having to consider the future of universal services such as the library service, and seek your help to identify ways to sustain such services locally.

We understand and know that our libraries in particular are hugely valued by residents, and play a very important role in connecting individuals and communities to the wider world in so many ways. We want to be able to maintain these benefits, but Powys County Council can no longer run these services alone.

Powys County Council would therefore like to ask you to work with us to find new ways of sustaining the service locally.

Please contact Kay Thomas, Principal Librarian kay.thomas@powys.gov.uk to put forward your ideas and to initiate local discussions. We will also be running a public consultation to gather wider suggestions and proposals, and there will be a drop-in session at the library on Thursday 7 February, 1.00 – 3.00 pm.