Anti-Bullying Week
Wythnos Gwrth-Fwlio
Anti-Bullying Week 2022 takes place from Monday 14th – Friday 18th November with the theme Reach Out. It is coordinated by the Anti-Bullying Alliance, which is based at leading children’s charity the National Children’s Bureau.
Take a look at this webpage to learn about all the ways you can get involved throughout the week at Ysgol Calon Cymru, and find out more about the week on their website:
Cynhelir Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio 2022 rhwng dydd Llun 14 a dydd Gwener 18 Tachwedd gyda’r thema Estyn Allan. Mae’n cael ei gydlynu gan y Gynghrair Gwrth-fwlio, sydd wedi’i lleoli yn yr elusen blant flaenllaw, Biwro Cenedlaethol y Plant.
Cymerwch olwg ar y dudalen we hon i ddysgu am yr holl ffyrdd y gallwch chi gymryd rhan trwy gydol yr wythnos yn Ysgol Calon Cymru.
Reach Out
Bullying affects millions of lives and can leave us feeling hopeless. But it doesn’t have to be this way. If we challenge it, we can change it. And it starts by reaching out.
Whether it’s in school, at home, in the community or online, let’s reach out and show each other the support we need. Reach out to someone you trust if you need to talk. Reach out to someone you know is being bullied. Reach out and consider a new approach.
And it doesn’t stop with young people. From teachers to parents and influencers to politicians, we all have a responsibility to help each other reach out. Together, let’s be the change we want to see.
Reflect on our own behaviour, set positive examples and create kinder communities.
It takes courage, but it can change lives. So, this Anti-Bullying Week, let’s come together and reach out to stop bullying.
Estyn Allan
Mae bwlio yn effeithio ar filiynau o fywydau a gall wneud i ni deimlo’n anobeithiol. Ond nid oes rhaid i bethau fod fel hyn. Drwy ei herio, gallwn ei newid. Ac mae’n dechrau trwy ymestyn allan.
Boed hynny yn yr ysgol, gartref, yn y gymuned neu ar-lein, gadewch i ni estyn allan a dangos i’n gilydd y gefnogaeth sydd ei hangen arnon ni. Ymestyn allan at rywun yr ydych chi’n ymddiried ynddo os oes angen i chi siarad. Ymestyn allan at rywun yr ydych chi’n ei adnabod sy’n cael ei fwlio. Ymestyn allan ac ystyried dull newydd.
Ac nid rhywbeth i bobl ifanc yn unig yw hwn. O athrawon i rieni, a dylanwadwyr i wleidyddion, mae gan bob un ohonon ni gyfrifoldeb i helpu ein gilydd i ymestyn allan. Gyda’n gilydd, gadewch i ni fod y newid rydyn ni am ei weld. Myfyriwch ar eich ymddygiad eich hun, dangoswch enghreifftiau cadarnhaol a chreu cymunedau mwy caredig.
Mae angen bod yn ddewr, ond gall newid bywydau.
Felly, dewch i ni ddod at ein gilydd ac ymestyn allan i atal bwlio yn ystod yr Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio hon.
Odd Socks Day
Come to school on Monday 14th wearing odd socks to celebrate what makes us all unique. The best Ysgol Calon form group with odd socks will win a prize!
Diwrnod Sanau Od
Dewch i’r ysgol ar ddydd Llun 14eg yn gwisgo sanau anghymarus i ddathlu’r hyn sy’n ein gwneud yn unigryw. Bydd grŵp dosbarth gorau Ysgol Calon Cymru gyda sanau anghymarus yn ennill gwobr!
What is Odd Socks Day?
Odd Socks Day is part of Anti-Bullying Week! To celebrate that we are all unique, we ask that children wear odd socks to school on Monday 14th November. Last year over 13,000 schools took part in Odd Socks Day. Andy Day (CBeebies/ CBBC) and his band Andy and the Odd Socks are supporting the Anti-Bullying Alliance to help bring Odd Socks Day to life again this year.
Why is Odd Socks Day Important?
The day sends an important message to pupils that they should be allowed to be themselves free from bullying and helps us celebrate Anti-Bullying Week in a fun and positive way.
Learn more about Odd Socks Day:
Beth Yw Diwrnod Sanau Od?
Mae Diwrnod Sanau Od yn rhan o’r Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio! I ddathlu’r ffaith fod pob un ohonom yn unigryw, rydyn ni’n gofyn i blant wisgo sanau od i’r ysgol ddydd Llun 14 Tachwedd. Y llynedd cymerodd dros 13,000 o ysgolion ran yn Niwrnod Sanau Od. Mae Andy Day (CBeebies/cbbc) a’i fand, Andy and the Odd Socks, yn cynorthwyo’r Gynghrair Gwrthfwlio i gynnal Diwrnod Sanau Od eto eleni.
Pam Mae Diwrnod Sanau Od Yn Bwysig?
Mae’r diwrnod yn cyfleu neges bwysig i ddisgyblion sef y dylen nhw gael bod yn nhw eu hunain a pheidio â chael eu bwlio. Mae hefyd yn ein helpu i ddathlu’r Wythnos Gwrth-fwlio mewn ffordd ddifyr a phositif.
Dysgwch fwy am Ddiwrnod Sanau Odd:
Kidscape is an anti-bullying charity that gives practical support, training and advice to challenge bullying and protect young lives.
Kidscape operates a Parent Advice Line and delivers free online ZAP workshops each month for children and families impacted by bullying. They have a wealth of advice on their website including top tips for children and for parents and carers available in multiple languages (including Welsh), and communication tools to support autistic children share experiences of bullying.
Elusen gwrth-fwlio yw Kidscape sy’n rhoi cymorth, hyfforddiant a chyngor ymarferol i herio bwlio ac amddiffyn bywydau ifanc.
Mae Kidscape yn cynnal Llinell Gymorth i Rieni ac yn cyflwyno gweithdai ZAP ar-lein rhad ac am ddim bob mis i blant a theuluoedd sydd wedi’u heffeithio gan fwlio. Mae cyfoeth o gyngor ar eu gwefan gan gynnwys awgrymiadau da i blant ac i rieni a gofalwyr, ac mae’r rhain ar gael mewn sawl iaith (gan gynnwys y Gymraeg). Mae ganddyn nhw hefyd offer cyfathrebu i helpu plant awtistig i rannu profiadau o fwlio.
Other Resources
Take a look at the following Anti-Bullying resources from Anti-Bullying Alliance, Kidscape and others. They include top tips for children and parents/carers, and a journal that you can fill out yourself.
Mwy o Adnoddau
Edrychwch ar yr adnoddau Gwrth-fwlio canlynol gan Anti-Bullying Alliance, Kidscape ac eraill. Maent yn cynnwys awgrymiadau da i blant a rhieni/gofalwyr, a dyddlyfr y gallwch ei lenwi eich hun.